About the Abyssinians sect

Author: Resident Fatwa Committee
| Category: Aqeedah

The Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA) has received a few questions about the Abyssinians sect (also known as Al-Ahbaash or the Ethiopian sect), after their emergence and raising temptation of sedition in some American cities, and in answer to that question, and after researching and investigating, AMJA states the following:

This sect of the Abyssinians is attributed to Abdullah Al-Harrari Al-Habashi, from Harrar in Abyssinia or Ethiopia, and he was born to a tribe that its roots go back to Arab origins. He stirred in Ethiopia – before his exodus – what is called the sedition of Kalb lands, where he plotted along with the then ruling regime there (in 1940) against the Islamic Associations for Memorizing the Holy Quran, which resulted in sentencing on its president for 23 years in prison. After that, he migrated to Lebanon and settled there where he formed a group of disciples and followers.

He and his followers are known as the Al-Ahbaash. His sect is known as deviators from the true religion of Islam and as abnormal thinkers in Fiqh and applications of creed. Also, they are known as transgressors and aggressors against Muslims and their scholars, past and present.

Examples of their incorrect believes are as embodied in the following:

They make it permissible to seek support, help, maintenance and shelter from the dead whom they address in their prayers (see: “”Boughyat Al-Taleb Li-Ma`rifat Al-`Ilm Al-Deeni Al-Wajeb””, [The Objective of the Student of Knowledge in Knowing the Obligatory Religious Knowledge], by Abdullah Al-Habashi, p. 8).

They maintain that the Quran is not truly the Word of Allah (see: “”Izhaar Al-`Aqueedah Al-Sunniyyah”” [Demonstrating the Sunni Creed], by Abdullah Al-Habashi, p. 58).

They blasphemy and curse some of the Prophets` Companions, (see: “”Ssareeh Al-Bayaan Fi-Al-Radd `Ala Man Khaalaf Al-Quraan”” [A Clear Statement about Answering Those Who Differ with the Quran], by Al-Abdullah Habashi, pp. 86 – 116).

And the following are some of their abnormal and deviant applications in Fiqh matters:

They make it permissible to gamble with the non-Muslims for the purpose of looting their money, (see: “”Boughyat Al-Taleb.””, [The Objective of the Student of knowledge..], by Al-Habashi, p. 224).

They make it permissible to look at the body of a foreign woman, even with lust, when she is screened on the TV or in the mirror, (see: “”Boughayat Al-Taleb.””, [The Objective of the Student of Knowledge.], by Abdullah Al-Habashi, pp. 288 and 351).

They face not the Quiblah or the Makkah direction in their prayers, unlike all other Muslims.

And there are many examples of their aggression and transgression against Muslims and their scholars: they consider many Muslim scholars and do`aat as atheists and disbelievers, like Ben Taiymiyyah, Al-Dhahabi, Al-Albani, Al-Mawdoudi, Sayed Quttb, may Allah have mercy on them, and Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi, and Faisal Al-Mawlawi, may Allah protect them, and many others.

Many Fatawa and refutations have been issued from many Shari`ah scholars and scientific organizations that warned against the deviated thought of such sect, and cautioned Muslims against following their creed. These announcements are embedded in the following literature and media:

Professor Dr. Ahmad Omar Hashim`s letter, Al-Azhar University President, to Muslim World League`s Secretary-General in August 24, 2001.

The Fatwa issued by the Saudi Fatawa Permanent Committee under No. 19606.

Dr. Yousef Al-Qaradhawi`s refutation of their creed and thoughts in his article: “”Jama`at Al-Ahbaash: Jedaal Bela `Ilm and Tattaawul Bela Adab””, [The Al-Ahbaash Group: Argument without Knowledge and Insolence without Decency], in his book: “”Fatawa Mu`asserah””, [Contemporary Fatawa], 3/685.

We – at the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA), and while we advise our Muslim brothers and sisters to avoid making contact or communications with that astray sect, we pray to Allah the Almighty to bring them back to the right path of Truth and to the right creed of the people of the Quiblah – Amen!

And praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds

Resident Fatwa Committee

AMJA Resident Fatwa Committee.
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