In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful
The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America is pleased to congratulate all Muslims on the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan. In-sha-Allah, AMJA will be publishing the news of any credible sightings of the moon anywhere in the World or in the Americas once it is verified. If the crescent is not sighted anywhere in the World before sunset on Friday (Pacific Daylight Time zone), AMJA will issue a statement indicating the lack of verified sightings.
Based on the previous statements of AMJA, the inhabitants of each time zone may declare the lack of sightings in their region after the lapse of enough time for reporting any credible sightings in their region and the regions to the east of them. They will not be required to wait for sightings in the rest of the World or wait until sunset in the West Coast. This is to avoid hardship and to ensure that the matter will be clear for people before they leave their masâjid after ishâ.