Executive director Ad The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) is seeking an individual with vision, energy, and skills to lead and sustain a dynamic non-profit organization. AMJA is a tax exempt organization comprising of a group of Muslim scholars, seeking to manifest and clarify the rulings of Shar’iah concerning issues affecting Muslims in US. AMJA headquarters is Sacramento, California. More info can …

AMJA Resident Fatwa Committee resolution about Islamic Home Financing Companies in the US.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful All praise are due to Allah alone and may the peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. To proceed: The AMJA Fiqh Committee Resident Fatwa Committee met in Houston on the 20-22 of Dhul-Qadah 1435 A.H. (September 15-17 2014 C.E.) in order to issue a …
What’s After Ramadan
Yesterday, Muslims were waiting for Ramadan, however, today they are saying goodbye to it, as if this month were moments long. And as this month passed quickly, life does, and so people die and move to the hereafter. The end of Ramadan reminds us with the closeness of death. The end of Ramadan reminds us with the saying of the …
AMJA’s position on astronomical calculations for Ramadan and Eid
A number of facts should be mentioned concerning that which arose in relation to the call to rely on astronomical calculations in establishing the start of Ramadan and other months, instead of the moon sighting which has been the established practice of the Ummah over the centuries: The physical moon sighting as required by Shari`ah is the basic method of …
A Shariah Perspective on the Arab Spring
Is it Permissibility to set a Time Limit on the Ruler’s Term The norm concerning the social contract of the ruler as envisioned by the jurists throughout the centuries is that it was of a permanent nature. The ruler would not leave his position unless he had some physical shortcoming or was no longer considered righteous. However, the question arises …
Basis of Islamic upbringing
A) The relation with Allah The most central and pivotal fundamental is the relation with Allah; In other words,our aim is to develop the personalities of our children to the end that they will be conscious of their responsibility to Allah Almunamy said, in Fayd AlQadeer 2/140: “He who reaches [i.e. the pleasure of Allah] has gained everything and he …
The Dilemma of Schooling Our Kids
One of the mistakes that I see many people intentionally and unintentionally make is when they compare the conditions of Muslims who live as minorities in the west to the Muslim minority in china, Philippines and the early Muslims who went to places like Malaysia and Indonesia. And the reason why I think this comparison is false is mostly because …
Islamic Law, Religiosity, Revival and Democracy
The Shareeah and Religiosity: Religiosity is different in different religions. In Islam, religiosity is not asceticism in monasteries nor is it chattering from the pulpits. Instead, it is behaving in a manner that is requested from the Creator under all circumstances, places and times, in belief, statement and actions. Al-Bukhari and Muslim record that the Prophet (peace and blessings of …
About the Abyssinians sect
The Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA) has received a few questions about the Abyssinians sect (also known as Al-Ahbaash or the Ethiopian sect), after their emergence and raising temptation of sedition in some American cities, and in answer to that question, and after researching and investigating, AMJA states the following: This sect of the Abyssinians is attributed to …
The Heaven of this World
From al-Wâbil as-Sayyib min al-Kalim at-Tayyib by Ibn al-Qayyim Translated by Michael Abdur-Rahmân Fitzgerald and Moulay Youssef Slitting I heard the Shaykh of Islâm, Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allâh sanctify his soul – say, ‘Truly, there is a Heaven in this world and whoever does not enter it, will not enter the Heaven of the next world. And once he …