Fatwa ID: 78611
Title: Memorizing the Qur'an
Category: Qur'an
Scholar: Dr.Salah Al-Sawy
Date: 04/21/2009

Assalamu Alaykum. I recently began memorizing the Qur'an, but the people informed me that I must know the rules of recitation like 'Mad' & 'Idghaam'... and I do not anything of that. Is it an obligation upon me to know it before I continue memorization? May Allaah reward you on our behalf with good.

In the Name of Allaah, the Benevolent, the Merciful All praise belongs to Allaah, and may peace and blessings be upon the messenger of Allaah, and upon his family, companions, and those allied with him. What you should do is continue in both simultaneously: Recite a correct recitation with Tajweed at the hands of a shaykh, then study the rules of recitation separately if that is possible for you. If you are unable to do that, and you are able to recite a correct recitation by 'hear-say', even with knowing the theoretical rulings of recitation, then in that case you are free of blame and there is nothing upon you. We do advise though with the two together. May Allaah increase you in cautiousness and success. And Allaah, the Most High, knows best.