• EN (English)
Fatwa ID: 80213
Title: Is this haircut style haram?
Category: Varieties
Scholar: Mohammad Said Mitwally Ibrahim, Ph.D.
Date: 10/12/2009

Is it (haram) for a boy to get an edge up meaning cutting his hair in one length and shaping the front of his hair in a line?

According to the Prophetic tradition reported by Ibn 'Umar may Allah be pleased with him and his father that the Messenger of Allah prohibited Qaz'. Nafi' the narrator who reported the hadith from ibn 'Umar defined Qaz' as having some parts of the hair cut and leaving the rest uncut. This report is related by Bukhari and Muslim. There is a similar tradition on the authority of ibn 'Umar related by an-Nasa'i in which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saw a boy having a part of his hair cut while leaving the rest uncut. Thereupon he said, "Either to leave it all or to cut the hair all". Scholars maintained that Qaz' include cutting hair in one length and shaping the front of his hair in a line. It is prohibited since it is an acting of emulating Christian and worshippers of fire.