• EN (English)
Fatwa ID: 83126
Title: al-koran
Category: Qur'an
Scholar: Dr. Main Khalid Al-Qudah
Date: 11/16/2010


can a female touch an all english text quran while she's on her menstural cycle?


Alhamdu Lillah

Touching the pure English translation by a menstruating woman is allowed. Recently, AMJA has declared the permissibility of the menstruating woman to touch the Arabic Quran itself.  AMJA fatwa is as follows;

There is no harm on the one menstruating to recite the Qur’an from heart with the intent of worship.  As for learning Qur’an and teaching it, it is allowed for her to recite from the Mushaf – acting upon the Madhhab of Imam Maalik rahimahullah, it is one report from Ahmad, and was preferred by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. This should be done with a barrier of gloves or its likes, or through a Mushaf which has a translation or interpretation, so as to avoid the area of differences (i.e. the scholarly different opinions on the subject).

   For more details, please check the link; http://www.amjaonline.com/en_d_details.php?id=322