• EN (English)
Fatwa ID: 86558
Title: Medical Directive to Dr Hatem Al-Hajj
Category: Varieties
Scholar: Dr. Hatem al-Haj
Date: 03/12/2012


salam alaikum, I ask Dr Hatem Al-Hajj+ones who may know about the following. I am writing my Medical Directive to avoid mercy killing+do all possible to keep my life by SHariah. In Alzheimers Disease, life may be prolonged by feeding tubes,kidney dialysis, breathing devices, and heart assist devices like pacemaker, defibrillators+pumping assists. These devices or the disease can be painful +the Alzheimer's medication not be compatible with pain medication required. Patients in pain have sometimes to be physically tied down to prevent removing devices. I prefer in the case of Alzheimers to not install these devices+to be given food by mouth (only), air + water by any device and then allowed to die my natural death, is that permissible ?


All praise be to Allah and may His peace and blessings be on His final and greatest messenger, Muhammad.

The five legal values (haram, makrooh, mubaah, mustahab & wajib) are applicable to seeking different kinds of treatment. Medical treatment is only obligatory if it is from harmful diseases with safe medicines and when cure is likely. The majority of contemporary scholars have agreed on the obligation of seeking medical treatment under certain circumstances, such as emergency cases where the life of the person affected is in danger or if the disease results in some handicap or infirmity and its treatment is possible, as well as cases of contagious diseases, where the patient may harm others if left untreated.

In the case described, refusal of such treatments or any heroic interventions is permissible.

Allah knows best.