What’s After Ramadan

Author: Dr. Main Al-Qudah Ph.D
| Category: Aqeedah

Yesterday, Muslims were waiting for Ramadan, however, today they are saying goodbye to it, as if this month were moments long. And as this month passed quickly, life does, and so people die and move to the hereafter.

The end of Ramadan reminds us with the closeness of death. The end of Ramadan reminds us with the saying of the prophet SAAW, “Live in this world like a stranger or a bye-passer”. Ibn Omar used to say, “If you wake up, don’t wait for the evening, and if you reach the evening, don’t wait for the morning. Take advantage of your good health and your life”. The end of Ramadan reminds us with the saying of Nooh SAAW, who lived more than thousand years. When death came to him, he was asked about life, he said, “My example with life is just like a person enters a house that has two doors, he enters from one, and gets out from the other”. The prophet Muhammad SAAW also said, “My example in this life is just like a traveler who takes shelter under a tree and then leaves it and goes”.

While saying goodbye to Ramadan, each one of us should ask himself these questions: What have I gained from this month? Have I passed the test? Do I deserve to get the diploma of taqwa? Whoever finds goodness then let him praise Allah SWT and whoever finds something else let him work hard to reform himself and seek the help from Allah.

What is there after Ramadan? Do the lessons of Ramadan end with it, or continue after it? To answer this question, we shall briefly go over these lessons:

Fasting: we’ve learned from fasting how to soften our souls and break their desires and performing the concept of Uboodiyah to Allah alone. The prophet SAAW encouraged us to continue fasting six days during the month of Shawwal when he said, “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and he follows it with six days of Shawwal as if he fast the whole year”. It was the tradition of the Prophet SAAW to fast Mondays, Thursdays, three days of each lunar moth, the day of Arafah, Ashourah and most of Sha’ban and Muharram.

Praying Taraweeh: Praying at night was the habit of the Prophet SAAW all his life, and he used to encourage his followers to do so. He (s) said, “Do qiyam-ul-lail, the night prayer; it used to be the good deeds of the pious people before you. It draws you closer to your Lord, it causes your sins to be forgiven, and it causes you to avoid doing bad deeds”. Allah SWT describes his pious servants that “they used to sleep a little at night” in Surat Al-Sajdah.

The recitation of the Quran: You must not stop reading the Quran after Ramadan, otherwise you’ll be among those whom the prophet (S) described as Allah says, “And the messenger said, ‘O my Lord! Verily my people have deserted this Quran. And remember the advice of the Prophet(S) when he said, “Read the Quran repeatedly, for the reason that it is easier to be released from the chests of men than the camel from its leash”. So open your heart to the orders and advices of Allah, and make sure that your wife and children learn how to read correctly the book of Allah.

Charity: Allah SWT says, “those who spend their wealth day and night, secretly and publicly, their reward is with their lord…’. The prophet SAAW was very generous, like wind loaded with rain. Remember that Allah SWT will compensate you for what you spend, and that spending is a sign of having Eyman. Remember that the reward of spending for the sake of Allah in non-Muslim countries is anticipated to be doubled since the need for it is urgent for building and maintaining Masajid, schools and other institutes. Spending from your wealth will benefit you in your life and in the hereafter. The messenger of Allah SAAW said, “When the son of Adam dies, his deeds will be terminated except in case of one of these three: a continual charity, or a beneficial knowledge, or a pious son who prays for his father.

Abandoning the Evil: Abandoning the evil and committing sins is a must in Ramadan and outside Ramadan. It is the deed of the people of true faith. There is no goodness in a Muslim who doesn’t do evil in Ramadan but as soon as Ramadan ends, he goes back to his evil deeds.

Knowing that Eid is an excellent chance to wash the hearts from hatred and bad feeling, the prophet SAAW says, “It’s not allowed for a Muslim to avoid his brother over three nights. They both meet, but this turns away and that turns away, and the best of them is the one who initiates Salam”. So be better than your brother and initiate the Salam.

I ask Allah SWT to bless you all, to accept our Ibadah, and to free us all from the hellfire.

Dr. Main Al-Qudah Ph.D

Dr. Main Alqudah holds a PhD in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University, American Open University in Virginia, an MA in Islamic Economics from Al Yarmook University in Jordan and a BA in Economics from Al Azhar University in Egypt.  He is an Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and Finance with more than 18 years experience.  Dr. Main is a national ...
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